IPv6 support
Database Read/Write Replicas
Load balancer wildcard SSL
PHP alias per domain
Stream backups
Cronjob & Queue health monitor
Sentry Provisioning
Execute Cron job in place
Database backup drivers
Allow update PHP-FPM pm.* setting from dashboard
Expired SSL certs in insights
Caddy as webserver option
File Backups on Docker Server
Fail2ban whitelist configuration
Automatic Updates (apt)
Ability to archive/disconnect a server
Ability to restore file backups
Keep NGINX from crashing when config is invalid
AWS VPC and subnet selection
Crontab features. (copy / move / save / import)
Database upgrades
Allow setting VPC at server creation
Post deployment commands
Docker -> make it able to texecute commands from withing ploi in a selected container
Activate provider Backup/snapshot system directly from ploi
Docker Server - Github Repository import
Docker private registery support
Option to install sites on mounted volume
Allow volume type choice on Amazon EC2 server creation
Automatically allocate and associate elastic IP with newly created ec2 instance
Zero Downtime Deployment history
Bun Support
Mount Monitoring
Certificate renewal insight
Server monitoring recovery notifications
MinIO encryption at rest
Ability to set default user for new server
Network Tab in Servers is actually modifying firewall at UFW Linux level, not cloud provider level
Ability to duplicate backup jobs
Clone Server PHP Version Bug
Ability to scope API key on resource
Allow monitors to go over the usage limit during peak periods
Server tags
Add SSH key to all custom system users
New Simple Server Type
Feature Request - Multi-Server Support for Tenants and SSL Certificates
Automatic deployment for queue server applications
Support systemd services on status page
Unable to install ploi's monitoring when launching new server as the team memebr
Add generic url as a notification channel
Database user management is buggy
Re-send monitoring Notification after x minutes / hours
Delay the timing to detect Site Connection Errors
Insights Mysql Improvement
Feature Request: Server Tagging and Tag-Based Search/Filter Functionality
Provide Feedback on Database Rollback Process
Load Balancer Network "deny" rules
Customized Server creation
Clean /etc/sudoers.d/php-fpm when deleting system users
Monitor event chart: Display NodeJS process restart
Add DSR Mode to the load balancer
Add SSL Configuration Options for Database Backups
Saving Elasticsearch Details Overwrites Custom Attributes - Security Vulnerability
Run script before and after backup to mount temporary disk
Option to Attach a Site to an Existing Cron Job in the Server Cron Page
ReSync Docker with manually created containers on CLI level
There are no items here.
Ability to clone entire server
Node version manager
HTTP/3 support
Ability to clone database and user to another server
Set default max_connections of my.cnf Mysql config per RAM.
Docker support
Set a default timezone for all servers
Longer history of monitoring
Add option to enable/disable services
Minio on port 443
Install Database Server after server deployment
Firewall/Network bulk IP rules
Amplify Ubuntu 22.04 Support
Refactor PHP extensions
For Backups, displaying the Custom S3 actual names instead of the "Custom S3" label
Support for FrankenPHP
Notification when someone accesses server via SSH
Database Connection URL
Failed deployments are filling up the VPS storage.
Allow setting Redis password from UI
Install PostgreSQL server 15
Add Ubuntu 24.04 to the create server list
Ability to control docker networks
Display path in backup edit form
Ability to create "worker" server (with only PHP but without Nginx, Redis, Memcached, )
Create file backups in bulk
.well-known directory not usable by application
Servers listed in alphabetical order in scripts tab
Allow patching PHP versions
Support for running multiple servers on the same IP
Reload services under server status
Cronjob: the command may not be greater than 255 characters.
Enable team members to find team sites in search
Show servers that require a restart on dashboard and insights
Show load avg in the monitoring page
Docker create network
Cloning a website to another host using a custom SSH port fails
Advanced docker prune support
Display database information (credential) for one time after it was created
Remove ports 80/443 from Redis servers
Monitor Graph: Add manual service restarts
MariaDB config change not loaded
Mysql bind-address overwrites
File Backups - Add failed to the status filter
Sort sites by size
Outdated nginx version installed on servers (No Security Support)
Cant update server timezone if load balancer type is used
Clone Database PostgreSQL error
Bug with creating root owned cronjobs
Allow specifying path in uptime monitor
Update server hostname when updating server name
Check if enterd cronjob value is valid
Show the version of software in the status view
MeiliSearch: have an input for additional arguments