Integrate MySQL Backup Job into Deployment Script
Run commands directly in sites
Test: Next JS & Nuxt JS hosting
www subdomain with tenants (SSL)
Backup Presets
File backups always silently fail when using Zero Downtime Deployment
www to non-www redirect option tenants
Zero downtime deployment when pushing from staging to production
Automatically give permissions to team members when creating a new site
Automatic Cloudflare Config
Site Monitor within the EU
Add environment variables per site
Cannot generate letsencrypt certificate when custom certificate is in place
Separate notification channel for failed deployments
Custom Suspend site template
Add "scheduled deployment" feature on the production site.
Apply Octane for tenants
Load .env from project directory
Allow Creation of Git Repositories Inside Organisations
Passing additional data to deploy script
Assign site to project during creation
Ability to edit redirects
Add deploy status badge similar to Netlify
Team member does not see site under /panel/sites but has access through server
Fetch Laravel Commands form - project
Ability to choose git deployment path/folder
Ability to use compression (gz) with tar backups
Let's Encrypt CAA-record
Select webserver template on edit config modal
Deploy webhook for specific deployment script for prodution/stage sites
More advanced settings for adding new sites
NODEJS: PM2 -Improve .env file support and integration in node/Nuxt3 projects
Option for Run WordPress Cron with WP-CLI
Conditionally reload NodeJs process
Add more arguments for configuring queue worker
Better support for Symfony
Add deploy-script variables for getting the username of home-directory
Missing http redirect for tenants results in 404 error
Add Sub-Domain to CloudFlare on Tenants Page
Bug: Self-signed certificates incorrect expiry badge
Expand site authentication to tenants
Bug: Cronjobs from other sites appear after editing a site cronjob
Custom SSL for tenants too
Update repository + provider
Quick deploy with github does not work with branches with / in the name
Shortcut for deploy to prod through staging
Spreaded synchronized deployments (without delays)
Site overview collapse groups
Php version when creating cron (Laravel -> Setup -> cron)
There are no items here.
Beautiful logs for laravel
View total used disk space per site
Let's Encrypt SSL via certbot-dns-cloudflare
Push from live to staging
Use correct php version for Laravel commands
Self-hosted GitLab support
Support deployments without git
Bunny.net CDN & DNS
PHP dropdown for queue config
Ability to set Basic Authentication to specific folders.
Delete site-related CRON jobs when the site is deleted
Have a "fix permissions for me" button for a site
Deploy webhook for specific deployment script
ZeroSSL Support
Output of `php artisan about --json`
Make data send to the deploy webhook URL available as deploy script variable
Add 'Reset deployment status' to staging
Execute commands after zero downtime deployment
Redirects should not prevent Let's Encrypt SSL renewals
New Deploy script variable: {SITE_DOMAIN}
Deployment log webhook
Ability to specify PHP version in Laravel tab for run commands.
WordPress Cron
Make domain redirects easier
Scheduled deployments feedback
Add a badge / highlight on a site if the setting "Block robots" is enabled
Staging > Production deployments should show the deployment log
Bring back "Deploy" button for queue server
Site Clone: Copy tenants as well
Option to Renew LetsEncrypt SSL cert
Redirect for domain
First Deployment Section
Add option to send deployment notification webhooks even when failed
Automatically clear NGINX files list if tenant is added
Production deployment: PM2 not restarting automatically when deploying Node.js staging to production
Trying to disable quick deploy should not fail if the webhook is already gone
Deleting repository from site will not remove GitHub webhooks for QuickDeploy
Deployment notifications: Add emoji to indicate success/failed
Quick deploy delay
Deploy webhook for deployments without git.
Deploy without git: .env file editor
Add button to disable horizon daemon created with the 1 click install option in Laravel tab
Decouple staging and production
Show label and ability to sort on sites that have monitoring enabled
Make link clickable in site suspended message
Block robots for staging site by default
Project type not honoured by staging site
Production deployment variable: {SITE_PHP}
Retain "Zone ID"-less Cloudflare link after cloning a site
Deployment notification is not sent when deploying from staging to production
Health check URL option on sites with custom deployment.
Installing repo as team member glitches
WordPress Cronjob with Custom Time
Delete Database when Deleting Site
Add the ability to only clone database structure
Bug: The option to change domain for a site clone doesn't work
View WordPress Admin in Panel
Auto escape quote's in cronjob command line
Site cloning does not set Source provider field so deploy fails on the cloned site
Get Deploy Webhook URL via API
"Use DNS provider to request certificate" for tenants
Document the request from Webhook URLs
CLI deploy tool
Add a search tenant feature
php 8.4 not working for laravel reverb or octane
Ignore 'www' when creating new databases