

  • ✅ Dropbox
  • ✅ Google Drive
  • ✅ SFTP
  • ✅ FTP
  • ✅ Local
  • ✅ S3 Amazon
  • ✅ DigitalOcean spaces
  • ✅ Any S3 service
  • ❌ Microsoft One Drive
  • ❌ Amazon Glacier
  • ❌ Backblaze B2
  • ❌ OneDrive
  • ❌ P CLOUD
  • ❌ WebDav
  • ❌ Synology Drive
Rudy Affandi

Rudy Affandi

· · Edited

I think Backblaze B2 should be the next one to be implemented.

1 total vote
Jaap-Jan de Wit


· · Edited

OneDrive support for backups would be great!

5 total votes
Tally Schmeits Harm Jan Cosmicode gpantelidis Surface Digital s.r.o
Terry Upton

Terry Upton


Backblaze B2 is done, as I am using this on my sites. Although it might be done as a Custom S3 (Backblaze B2).

@Dennis you can probably check this on the list.

no votes yet
Jay C. Burton

Jay C. Burton


@Terry Upton Would you kindly share how you got B2 to work? When I put the B2 endpoint in the field, I get this message "The credentials.region must start with "http"". I have tried putting "http", "http://", and "https://" in front of the endpoint name, but that cause this message to appear: "We are unable to authenticate with your S3 bucket, please check the credentials (also check if you need a path styled endpoint)." This makes me wonder if the data I entered elsewhere is in the correct fields. Thanks in advance.

no votes yet


· · Edited

@Dennis WebDAV would be most wonderful, as this would enable our Nextcloud as a backup target.

1 total vote
Vincent Tarrit
Nathan Geerinck

Nathan Geerinck


Merged Synology Drive backup driver into this item

Created by: Nathan Geerinck

At home I do have a Synology NAS, it would be awesome to choose the Synology Drive application as backup destination for database and file backups.


no votes yet


· · Edited

Cloudflare R2 would be great too

3 total votes
Jaap-Jan de Wit bkeeper Fred
Tally Schmeits

Tally Schmeits


+1 for Onedrive :)

no votes yet
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Database backup drivers

14 total votes
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