Jay George

Jay George


I really like the "Health Check URL" feature in sitename > Repository.

There is an issue however if you are NOT using Zero Downtime Deployments. For example, a site goes 'down' for a split second when deploying with Statamic. This results in false positive reports that the site is down.

Is it instead possible to measure the site over the course of a few minutes to determine whether it has gone down? E.g. if the site returns a connection error, try again in a couple of minutes and if it's STILL returning a connection error then send an email—instead of sending an email straight away.




I'd love to keep the health check url pretty simple, we've recently already increased the delay from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. What I can do is the ability that you can set the delay yourself in that card so you can decide when you think the site should be active and live. What do you think?

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Jay George

Jay George

Item author

Sounds great to me. 10 secs default and then advanced, only if need be

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Delay the timing to detect Site Connection Errors

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Green17 Jay George
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