Robin Dirksen

Robin Dirksen

In progress

This will save some space on the server by directly upload it to the backup server.




@Robindirksen1 @Dennis Isn't this the same as SFTP Driver?

no votes yet



@Webtica No it's not the same, streaming is a different way of uploading the file to the remote server.

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Saeed Rehman

Saeed Rehman


Piping to drivers using rclone, rsync may help

no votes yet
Fred Drouven

Fred Drouven

· · Edited

The current backup method generates big backup files that are stored in the .ploi folder. If a backup fails the failed file remains sitting in that folder. When a few backups fail it might end up in filling the storage completely.

Also if the total backup size is bigger than the free space you cannot make a backup via Ploi at all right now.

If you want a better solution you need to do something with chunks imo. Only streaming won't really help.

7 total votes
Stevens miguel

Stevens miguel


Is the current backup method incremental? Or do you get a full file of the complete site every time you take a backup?

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· · Edited

Got the same issue with some big sites. Streaming or chunking would help.

2 total votes
Malte Horstmann Fred Drouven


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It would also be good to have failed backups removed after x days or something.

4 total votes
Pegaso Malte Horstmann Dennis Oderwald Fred Drouven
Carlos  Devia

Carlos Devia


I hope you are talking here about incremental backups. That's really required ala JetBackup.

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Marin Delija

Marin Delija


It would be good if one could also limit the amount of concurrent Streams, as for example some storage providers like Hetzner Storage Box only allow X amount of concurrent connections

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· · Edited

This is coming, no more bloaty files on your server: direct uploads to the external driver 🥰

2 total votes
Cristian Balan Alex


· · Edited

OK, quick update: The S3 and Custom S3 uploads are now streamed, they do not take any space up on your server anymore. Other drivers will be next! 🥳

2 total votes
Fred Drouven Green17


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Dennis, is Google Drive one of the ones on the list to do?

1 total vote
Cristian Balan


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Yes, and Dropbox too and such :)

1 total vote


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Fantastic news Dennis, has been a problem for us on a few site. :-)

1 total vote
Fred Drouven

Fred Drouven

· · Edited

Hi Dennis, does this include Digital Oceans Spaces? What you already support?

no votes yet



All S3 drivers stream it now. (So custom S3, AWS S3 and DigitalOcean Spaces).

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Fred Drouven

Fred Drouven

· · Edited

Great!!!! We will set up some test backups first.

1 total vote

Stream backups

26 total votes
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