Roldan Aquino

Roldan Aquino


Firstly, I want to express my appreciation for the excellent platform you've provided.

I'm developing a SaaS website builder using Ploi and have been exploring the Tenants feature, which looks promising for my project.

As part of my architecture, I plan to implement a Load Balancer to efficiently distribute website traffic across two to three servers. However, I've encountered a challenge regarding the use of Tenants and SSL certificates in a multi-server setup.

As it stands, the Tenant's Nginx configuration and SSL certificate are generated within a single server. This poses a challeng when trying to implement a Load Balancer since the other servers don't recognize the Tenant's domain or possess the requisite SSL certificate.

I would like to propose a feature that supports multi-server configurations for Tenants and SSL certificates. This enhancement would enable a more streamlined integration with Load Balancers, ensuring that all servers can appropriately recognize the Tenants' domains and SSL certificates.

In the meantime, I also need advise for an interim solution. Would copying the certificates and configurations to other servers be a viable workaround?

Roldan Aquino

Roldan Aquino

Item author
· · Edited

To add on to this, I think replicating the Tenants feature in the Load Balancer will help.

2 total votes
Dennis Stamatoiu Guild



Any update on this one?

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Roldan Aquino

Roldan Aquino

Item author

Any update on when will this be implemented?

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Feature Request - Multi-Server Support for Tenants and SSL Certificates

3 total votes
Dennis Stamatoiu Daniel Treica Roldan Aquino
  • Dennis moved item to board Planned

    1 year ago
  • Roldan Aquino moved item to project Server Level Requests

    1 year ago
  • Roldan Aquino created the item

    1 year ago