Waryor UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Waryor UG (haftungsbeschränkt)


It would be very helpful to be able to create basic networks from the panel and list them.

Our scenario is this one:

  1. Container Nginx-Proxy-Manager
  2. App 1 (e.g Wordpress) Port 3000
  3. App 2 (e.g Wiki) Port 4000

We would then add the external network to all compose files to make all containers able to communicate.

Each network gets it's very own internal IP and Gateway (docker inspect <networkname>).

Requested Features:

  • Create a new network with default driver (bridge) with docker network create <networkname>

  • List available docker networks (to add them to the firewall). Example: `Docker to MariaDB (allow 3306 on protocol TCP from IP address For that we need to IP-Range in CIDR from docker. Currently this requires an SSH connection to the server.




How would you like to see this UI and UX wise?

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Waryor UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Waryor UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Item author
· · Edited

UI could be quite simple for now - depends on how hardcore you want to go.

In general it would be great to also see details for each network such as "containers in that network, etc." (docker network inspect <network_name_or_id>).

To prune networks see: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/network_prune/

But for now I would be very happy just to see some basic details (most from docker network ls) the Gateway is received with docker network inspect <id_or_name> for each network.

Example data for a network

        "Name": "nginx_network",
        "Id": "774d9cbd5fc701a87ee8627a8366df246268eb4d2b101a39cb77bd7711d3e1ac",
        "Created": "2022-02-24T15:28:08.704618584Z",
        "Scope": "local",
        "Driver": "bridge",
        "EnableIPv6": false,
        "IPAM": {
            "Driver": "default",
            "Options": null,
            "Config": [
                    "Subnet": "",
                    "Gateway": ""
        "Internal": false,
        "Attachable": true,
        "Ingress": false,
        "ConfigFrom": {
            "Network": ""
        "ConfigOnly": false,
        "Containers": {
            "f7ae142bf3c952660d7ce8aff7c6488c65b0376e793c52b90035f128bffb02ed": {
                "Name": "nginx",
                "EndpointID": "96565ee7073d586d7131db8ec2421f6ba4acc68671152baa73b92982e0c9464e",
                "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:15:00:02",
                "IPv4Address": "",
                "IPv6Address": ""
        "Options": {},
        "Labels": {
            "com.docker.compose.network": "nginx",
            "com.docker.compose.project": "nginx_compose",
            "com.docker.compose.version": "1.29.2"
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Ability to control docker networks

2 total votes
Angel Waryor UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
  • Dennis moved item to board Live

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  • Waryor UG (haftungsbeschränkt) moved item to project Server Level Requests

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  • Waryor UG (haftungsbeschränkt) created the item

    2 years ago