IPv6 support
Since RIPE has run out of IPv4 addresses it is time to officially support IPv6. www.ripe.net/publications/news/about-ripe-ncc-and-ripe/the-ripe-ncc-ha...
Database Read/Write Replicas
It would be great if we could setup database servers as read write replicas from the panel.
Load balancer wildcard SSL
At the moment it's not possible to install a wildcard SSL on the load balancer. This makes it impossible to use a load balancer for multi tenant platf...
PHP alias per domain
Usually you want to switch PHP version for FPM/Cronjobs/Queue workers at the same time, since the app would break otherwise. Currently you need to man...
Cronjob & Queue health monitor
It would be cool if we could have cronjob monitoring so you don't need an external service for this to check.
Sentry Provisioning
We'd like to be able to provision Sentry servers using Ploi. https://develop.sentry.dev/self-hosted/
Execute Cron job in place
It would be nice to be able to run cron jobs as cron via a button next to the cron job. This would help debugging any possible issues when the cron jo...
Database backup drivers
✅ Dropbox ✅ Google Drive ✅ SFTP ✅ FTP ✅ Local ✅ S3 Amazon ✅ DigitalOcean spaces ✅ Any S3 service ❌ Microsoft One Drive ❌ Amazon Glacier ❌...
Allow update PHP-FPM pm.* setting from dashboard
We would like to see more PHP settings especially pm.* configuration can be updated directly from the dashboard besides max_execution_time etc. Attach...
Caddy as webserver option
I’ve seen some changes in the Socials and Community about caddy as webserver, is becoming very popular. Thought someone also suggested it in Discord....
Expired SSL certs in insights
See all sites with expired SSL certificates in server (and maybe in the future in a site level) insights.
File Backups on Docker Server
The existing file and database backups are great, but only working on webservers. It would be great, if I can use the file backup feature on other ser...
Fail2ban whitelist configuration
I would like to propose a new feature that allows users to manage their Fail2Ban whitelist directly from the network page. This feature would provide...
Ability to archive/disconnect a server
A feature to "archive" (or completely disconnect) a server in Ploi. I'd like to setup a server using Ploi, but then have the option to de-co...
Automatic Updates (apt)
It would be nice to be able to set a more specific schedule on when the automatic updates should happen. At the time the only options are daily, weekl...
Database upgrades
In the same way, we can up upgrade our PHP versions from say 7.4 -> 8.2. It would be great to also have the ability to upgrade the versions for Mar...
Ability to restore file backups
This would be really convenient.
AWS VPC and subnet selection
Make it possible to select in which VPC and subnet the server should be created
Keep NGINX from crashing when config is invalid
Sometimes it can happen that the NGINX configuration is invalid and the NGINX server is restarted with the ploi backend but crashes due to the invalid...
Docker Server - Github Repository import
Hey, function for "Docker server" like "Web server". Import from repository github and start docker composer file / dockerfile. JD
Crontab features. (copy / move / save / import)
As a server manager i would like to be able to save / export or copy the cron jobs from one server / site to another server / site. This would prevent...
Allow setting VPC at server creation
Digital ocean has a vpc_uuid that can be set at server creation https://docs.digitalocean.com/reference/api/api-reference/#operation/droplets_create
Post deployment commands
When using zero-downtime deployments a lot of issues can arise. If using Horizon, if you terminate it in the deploy script it happens before the new c...
Docker -> make it able to texecute commands from withing ploi in a selected container
Allow users to execute a command inside a container from within the ploi UI. Like running docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
Activate provider Backup/snapshot system directly from ploi
When adding a new server using an integration, like heztner, there is no option to activate the snapshot/backups from ploi. That makes us to go into t...
Option to install sites on mounted volume
Currently I move the /home/ploi folder to any mounted volume (way cheaper storage solution) and symlink it. This works fine. I can host all my sites o...
Docker private registery support
Hi, At this moment I noticed the Docker private registery images are not fully supported. I managed to get it working with a workaround but it should...
Automatically allocate and associate elastic IP with newly created ec2 instance
Currently a public IPv4 address is automatically generated for a new ec2 instance. This IP is released when an instance is stopped, hibernated, or ter...
Allow volume type choice on Amazon EC2 server creation
When creating an Amazon EC2 server the volume type defaults to gp2, but we often want volumes to have a gp3 volume. Right now we have to switch the vo...
Mount Monitoring
It would be great to be able to monitor mounted drives with the builtin monitoring (and notifications). For example we store alot of data on mounted v...
IDEA for better IaC / DevOps / GitOps: "Ploifile"
Since there is a ton of options we can set for sites in Ploi, we end up in a situation where our infrastructure documentation is only in Ploi. Reprodu...
Server monitoring recovery notifications
Similar to the server monitoring notifications but in reverse. So once a monitor recovers it can ping a notification to alert recovery. An example bei...
Certificate renewal insight
It would be nice to have an insight telling you about failed renewals.
Bun Support
I love using Bun for my projects (over Node/NPM), and I think it'd be really cool to see it implemented in Ploi. https://bun.sh/
Zero Downtime Deployment history
Zero Downtime Deployment - I see the last 5 successful deployments, each of them with a Rollback button. However on the disk there are only 3 last dep...
Ability to duplicate backup jobs
We have 3 jobs per site and database. Each job has different retentions and storage locations. It would be really handy to quickly duplicate a job and...
MinIO encryption at rest
It would be great if we could setup minio encryption at rest through ploi. Some resources I found researching this topic: https://blog.min.io/secure...
Ability to set default user for new server
At the moment, all new servers are created with a "ploi" user. And currently once a server is provisioned you can create new users at will b...
Network Tab in Servers is actually modifying firewall at UFW Linux level, not cloud provider level
Today I just came to know that the Network tab in server management here in Ploi allow me to modify open ports but Its actually just modifying UFW fir...
Ability to scope API key on resource
Currently we have the ability to scope API-tokens based on the action, like read/write/delete servers. It would be very nice, escpecially in more comp...
Feature Request - Multi-Server Support for Tenants and SSL Certificates
Firstly, I want to express my appreciation for the excellent platform you've provided. I'm developing a SaaS website builder using Ploi and have been...
Insights Mysql Improvement
A nice feature for insights would be to check the innodb_buffer_pool_size, specifically comopare the usage to the max size and suggest increasing the...
Clone Server PHP Version Bug
Loving the new clone server feature! It works so well! One slight bug I've noticed though, is that the PHP version of sites on the new server displays...
New Simple Server Type
There are many instances where in my opinion it would be enough to have a simpler PHP server available (removing memcached, redis and database compone...
Automatic deployment for queue server applications
It would be nice to have, similarly to site deployment. (currently, I have to manually click "deploy" on 2 queue servers when there is a new...
Add SSH key to all custom system users
When added a new ssh key it is added to each server on auto for the ploi user. Give the option to add the key to a bulk selection of custom system use...
Allow monitors to go over the usage limit during peak periods
I have a prerender service running on a DO droplet. Every two days (on average), the CPU usage peaks up to 100%, which isn't that bad, as long as it d...
Support systemd services on status page
Currently the status page only lists old style services (listed by service --status-all) but not systemd services (lised by systemctl list-units --typ...
Delay the timing to detect Site Connection Errors
I really like the "Health Check URL" feature in sitename > Repository. There is an issue however if you are NOT using Zero Downtime Deplo...
Provide Feedback on Database Rollback Process
Last week, I needed to roll back a database. After clicking the rollback button, I would like some indication that the rollback has started and when i...
Database user management is buggy
There are several cases where database management is working correctly. If we delete the database, it will also delete its assigned user even tough it...
Saving Elasticsearch Details Overwrites Custom Attributes - Security Vulnerability
When editing the Elasticsearch details page in ploi, clicking the save button seems to completely overwrite the elasticsearch.yml file with only the a...
Add generic url as a notification channel
Allow notifications to be sent to a simple url, which can then process it however it likes.
Re-send monitoring Notification after x minutes / hours
Currently monitoring notifications are only triggered once the thresholds is passed. After that it won't send another notification until the value goe...
Unable to install ploi's monitoring when launching new server as the team memebr
I'am a team member (not the owner), and I want to create a new team's server and install ploi monitoring. The following message is displayed beside th...
NGINX Amplify Agent Ubuntu 24.04 Support
Hello, I just tried to install NGINX Amplify Agent via the Ploi dashboard but got the error message:" As of now, NGINX Amplify does not have supp...
Deleting database deletes assigned user even if user is assigned to another database
After deleting a couple of databases, two other sites on the same project lost connection to their databases. Since I create one database user per pro...
Add SSL Configuration Options for Database Backups
Current Problem Database servers with require_secure_transport=ON fail to backup through Ploi Currently, there's no way to configure SSL settings for...
MySQL 8.0 or/and 8.4
It would be great if I could select which database version is getting installed. Currently it say MySQL 8 in the selection. There is already MySQL 8.4...
Run script before and after backup to mount temporary disk
Several of our site backups fail since there isn't enough diskspace on the local disk for the zipfile to be created before beeing copied to external s...
Drop Composer v1 Support
https://blog.packagist.com/shutting-down-packagist-org-support-for-composer-1-x/ Key Dates: February 1st, 2025: Composer 1.x metadata will become rea...
ReSync Docker with manually created containers on CLI level
As discussed in Discord, @albert_mgtaio suggested: hi, one question: when create a container with ssh terminal, appears in ploi.io panel? thx So @den...
Add DSR Mode to the load balancer
Direct Server Return means your load balancer isn't a bottleneck for responding to requests and allows you to load balanace the network traffic as wel...
Monitor event chart: Display NodeJS process restart
I really like the (more or less) new event-flags in the monitoring charts. I'd suggest to add the restart of a NodeJs process too.
Clean /etc/sudoers.d/php-fpm when deleting system users
When deleting system users from the panel, please also clean the /etc/sudoers.d/php-fpm file too as well as anything else that might be configured wit...
Customized Server creation
For a specific use case, you might want to build a server that just contains for instance NGINX, PHP and Redis (in a scenario where you use a managed...
Load Balancer Network "deny" rules
The "Allow type" radio button and the "Description" textarea are not available in the Network section on load-balancer servers. Pl...
Option to Attach a Site to an Existing Cron Job in the Server Cron Page
I propose adding a new feature that allows users to attach a site to an existing cron job directly from the server cron page.