


Since RIPE has run out of IPv4 addresses it is time to officially support IPv6.

Peter Kuipers

Peter Kuipers


oooh yes !!!

no votes yet
Julius Kiekbusch

Julius Kiekbusch


@Dennis what is currently blocking the IPv6 Support for Let`s Encrypt?

Certbot should be able to install the Certificate without any Problem:

There are already Server/Cloud Providers where an IPv4 Address costs monthly more.

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Item author

There's not really something blocking at the moment, we're in the works of prepping for IPv6 support.

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Athul Raj

Athul Raj

· · Edited

This would let us use the 2.5$ Vultr IPV6-only instance. Kinda awesome for small workers.

3 total votes
Katja Fred Ivo Pereira



@Athul-Raj Interesante

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Tom De Decker

Tom De Decker

· · Edited

Hi @Dennis, when is going to be ready? I just did a test and could not add a custom server with ip6 only. It has been a year already :) that you announced it was time to support...

9 total votes
Joseph Szobody

Joseph Szobody

· · Edited

Now that AWS is charging for IPv4 addresses, this is urgent.

Our servers don't need public IPs since they sit behind load balancers. However Ploi requires public IPs to connect. We are now paying well over $100/month to AWS just to have public IPs available to Ploi.

6 total votes
Iola Christian

Iola Christian



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Iola Christian

Iola Christian

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Iola Christian

Iola Christian


@lola Christian

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You may use @ to mention someone.

IPv6 support

55 total votes
  • Dennis moved item to board Planned

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  • Dennis moved item to project Server Level Requests

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  • Dennis opened

    1 year ago