


It would be nice if you could have staging in two directions, and also push from live to staging websites (so both files and databases)



· · Edited

Agreed! It would be handy to be able to choose if you want to push both files and DB, or just one of them.

1 total vote
Daniel Sturm

Daniel Sturm


Maybe even with the specification whether certain areas are to be omitted thereby. So, for example, tables of the database or directories that are not be transferred.

A "Search / Replace" for the database would be a bit too much for now, right? 😉

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Fred Drouven

Fred Drouven

· · Edited

Thanks Dennis for adding this to the roadmap. It would be very nice for our Wordpress developers to have an option like that.

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Philip Ehusani

Philip Ehusani


It would be nice if this is also implemented in the API. The ability to update your live site safely while in production to prevent any errors if the updates are misconfigured would be excellent.

no votes yet


Item author

We've just released a basic version of this. We'll be adding more options soon to exclude specific things if you're syncing back.

The database story is a whole different (and time-consuming) story and is something we're going to hold off for now.

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Push from live to staging

17 total votes
  • Dennis moved item to board Live

    1 year ago
  • Nathan Geerinck moved item to board In code review

    1 year ago
  • Dennis moved item to board In progress

    1 year ago
  • Nathan Geerinck moved item to board In code review

    1 year ago
  • Nathan Geerinck moved item to board In progress

    1 year ago
  • Nathan Geerinck moved item to board Planned

    1 year ago
  • Nathan Geerinck moved item to board In progress

    1 year ago
  • Dennis opened

    2 years ago