Integrate MySQL Backup Job into Deployment Script
I would like to propose a new feature that enables running a MySQL backup job as part of the deployment process. This could be implemented similarly t...
Run commands directly in sites
It would be nice if there was a "Commands" tab where you can run commands in your site's directory directly.
Test: Next JS & Nuxt JS hosting
I need to test whether it's easy in Ploi to host Next JS and/or Nuxt JS projects easily.
www subdomain with tenants (SSL)
There is a problem when using www subdomain via tenants. E.g. I have as a tenant. When I request a tenant certificate, ploi it will reques...
File backups always silently fail when using Zero Downtime Deployment
When a site has "Zero Downtime Deployment" enabled, any File Backups only back up the symlink, and not any actual site files. This can easil...
Backup Presets
It would be very useful to have the option to have presets for backups. Currently, we have to add google drive as a folder ID for, Table exclusions (o...
www to non-www redirect option tenants
I would like to see an option to add a simple www to non www redirect on tenant level and central level. Also an option in the API to request a redire...
Zero downtime deployment when pushing from staging to production
When we have a staging and production site, we can enable zero downtime deployment on the staging site only. It would be nice to have this feature whe...
Site Monitor within the EU
Currently there are 3 available locations for the Site Monitor: [Asia] Singapore [United Stated] Chicago [United Kingdom] London However none of the...
Automatic Cloudflare Config
You already have an option for me to give Cloudflare API credentials for DNS configuration. But the Cloudflare API is fairly extensive. It would be ni...
Automatically give permissions to team members when creating a new site
When a user from the team creates a new site, give him permission to access that site automatically, without the need to the main use give the permiss...
Add environment variables per site
On services like Netlify you can add environment variables in a key/value format that are then available to the application at build/runtime. Could th...
Add "scheduled deployment" feature on the production site.
For site with the option "Create staging site" selected during setup the scheduled deployment feature is not available on the production sit...
Custom Suspend site template
Just like like default template ( it would be very handy to have the same f...
Separate notification channel for failed deployments
We're using the notifications from Ploi in our Google Chat channels, mostly to track failures, outages and high cpu/disk usages. We had notifications...
Cannot generate letsencrypt certificate when custom certificate is in place
When trying to create a certificate from Custom to Letsencrytp, it does not work. Pressing the button generates an error that says: The certificate is...
Apply Octane for tenants
Currently, if you have tenants on a website, and you enable octane, the Octane config does not apply to all the tenants. It would be nice to apply the...
Load .env from project directory
We use Turborepo for different projects. The Github repo's will look something like: apps/api (Laravel package) apps/..other-apps ..other-dirs-and-fil...
Fetch Laravel Commands form - project
It would be nice if Ploi could fetch the commands from a Laravel Project. These are normally located in: App / Console / Commands We have some custom...
Add deploy status badge similar to Netlify
Could you add a deploy status badge similar to Netlify for each site? Netlify status badge docs:
Team member does not see site under /panel/sites but has access through server
We have a team member that has access only to selected site. She has to click on shared server, sites and can access it through there. If she goes dir...
Assign site to project during creation
When creating a site, it would be nice to be able to assign it directly to an existing project. :)
Ability to edit redirects
Currently you can only add or remove a redirect. It would be useful to be able to edit redirects on the interface inside Sites > Redirects section.
Passing additional data to deploy script
Many of us trigger deploys from CI platforms like Github Actions. It would be nice if we could pass additional data to the deploy script.
Ability to choose git deployment path/folder
Hi folks, I love so far, but I'm missing a feature that is very important for my workflow which might be a low hanging fruit for you. Most of...
Ability to use compression (gz) with tar backups
For backups, you can choose between tar and zip but the tar doesn't use any compression at this moment. This is an easy change with huge difference in...
Allow Creation of Git Repositories Inside Organisations
I’m trying to use Ploi to setup a new Statamic site on a server and have it create a GitLab repo at the same time. This works great of repos in my per...
Better support for Symfony
There is other frameworks than Laravel, if you propose Symfony in site creation, you should really support it and add features for it.
Let's Encrypt CAA-record
Wanneer het aanvragen van een SSL-certificaat mislukt krijg je een mailtje met tips: ".. Make sure: you have the domains IP addresses correctly...
Add more arguments for configuring queue worker
Maybe show the most commonly used always, and have a folding section called "Advanced" that shows all available arguments with clear descrip...
Add deploy-script variables for getting the username of home-directory
I would like to see a couple of deploy-script variables added. {USER} > user1 {HOME_DIRECTORY} > /home/user1
Missing http redirect for tenants results in 404 error
When a certificate is issued for a tenant, the generated file /etc/nginx/ploi/ only contains a re...
Add Sub-Domain to CloudFlare on Tenants Page
When adding a new Tenant Domain in Ploi also have the option to add it to CloudFlare right away. So we do not have to login to CloudFlare do add the s...
Conditionally reload NodeJs process
Currently we can toggle to restart a NodeJs process after each deployment, which we do by default. However we use monorepo's (turborepo) with auto dep...
Option for Run WordPress Cron with WP-CLI
I have been using the Cron programmed by Ploi on my sites, and I have noticed that in some situations it does not run 100% every time, and there are t...
NODEJS: PM2 -Improve .env file support and integration in node/Nuxt3 projects
I have encountered an issue when using the .env file for certain projects in Node, specifically in the context of Nuxt3. The current workaround is to...
More advanced settings for adding new sites
When adding sites we have to do a few things each time which could maybe be added to the site setup advanced section maybe? When adding a staging sit...
Deploy webhook for specific deployment script for prodution/stage sites
Hej, as there is now already the possibility to trigger custom deployment scripts via webhooks for "normal" sites, this is currently not yet...
Select webserver template on edit config modal
It would be nice to have an option to apply a webserver template from the when editing a website's nginx configuration. Example:
Quick deploy with github does not work with branches with / in the name
Webhook payload contains for example: { "ref": "refs/heads/lubik/rabbitmq", And Quick deploy responds to github with error...
Shortcut for deploy to prod through staging
Quite often I require to make a small change to a production site, and when it is a site with a staging env set up, I have to deploy to staging first,...
Update repository + provider
Ability to update the repository URL + provider once a repository is installed.
Custom SSL for tenants too
I would like to set custom SSL certs for Tenants too, exactly like I’m able to do for the “parent site”.
Bug: Cronjobs from other sites appear after editing a site cronjob
If you have multiple cronjobs on a server associated with different sites, and you edit one of them on the site level, suddenly all the other cronjobs...
Expand site authentication to tenants
Currently the site authentication functionality only works on the primary website domain. Would be great to expand this to the subdomain when using t...
Spreaded synchronized deployments (without delays)
I would like to propose a new feature that makes it possible to start the next deployment right after another deployment is done. I have a project wit...
Site overview collapse groups
Would be nice if we could collapse site groups in this view:
Php version when creating cron (Laravel -> Setup -> cron)
When creating cronjob via site->laravel->setup use the site php version php /home/ploi/ schedule:run to php8.2 /home/ploi/site....
Bug: Self-signed certificates incorrect expiry badge
See: This certificate was installed a few days ago and is a Cloudflare origin server certificate and ex...