René Sinnbeck
Being able to view logs in the ploi dashboard is cool. But it would be even better with a pretty log viewer like this:
What you're talking about here mainly is the styling right? The colors inside the content?
René Sinnbeck
Item authorThat would be a great start. If you could also add the checkboxes for filtering the content, then that would be awesome! Being able to quickly see just errors/warnings in a list could help a lot when debugging.
Arko Elsenaar
Would love this as well. The current functionality of the logs does not work great because of the often quite large stacktraces and previous exceptions. Being able to easily filter and search through certain exceptions like the log viewer would be great.
Joris Arends
Wow this would be extremely helpful indeed!
We've pushed a fresh update to the log viewer last week. Would love your opinion!
We also added a quick-link below the deploy script to quickly access your logs 🥰
Raphael Planer
I really like it. The only thing I'm missing is a way to search things inside the logs. Can you please add a search input?
Javier Alarcón
The new logs look great, but I think there is a bug. I have several log files, and when I have one open and I hit the delete icon, it deletes all the log files, not just that one.
Beautiful logs for laravel
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