Alexandre Danault

Alexandre Danault


I guess it can happen to anyone: for the third time in recent years I accidently lost (most likely deleted) a ploi quick deploy webhook on github.

The problem is that I'm now stuck, I can't disable the quick deploy, I get this message:

Message from Github: Not Found (It seems we where unable to find your repository, please make sure this matches your original repository name: XYZ/abc)

(note : the repo is still there, only the webhook is gone)

I'm stuck because I can't disable it, and if I can'T disable it I can't re-enable it. I'll have to delete the site and recreate it.

I thnk that when disabling quick deploy, if the webhook 404's ploi should just consider it a success ?

If that were the case, I could then re-enable quick deploy and Ploi would re-create a fresh new webhook.

Thanks !




I'll assign this to @Nathangeerinck so he can work out a fix!

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Trying to disable quick deploy should not fail if the webhook is already gone

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Alexandre Danault
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