Yoannis Jamar
Currently, when creating a new site and selecting the "Create staging site" option, the staging site's "Project Type" option does not honour the one selected for the production site.
I am not fully aware of all implications of the "Project Type" option, and what niceties are included by the available project types, but since the staging site is being deployed to the production site, I would assume that the "Project Type" setting should be synchronised like so:
- set the same "Project Type" setting on staging sites created this way by Ploi.
- disable the "Project Type" setting on any staging site linked to a production site.
- syncrhonise later changes to a production site's "Project Type" with its linked staging site.
Yoannis Jamar
Item authorThis actually makes me curious: what are the implications of changing the "Project Type" of a production website? Can it potentially break the website?
Project type not honoured by staging site
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