Lubor Nosek

Lubor Nosek


We have a team member that has access only to selected site. She has to click on shared server, sites and can access it through there.

If she goes directly to /panel/sites it is empty. Shared sites should definitely be visible in there.




I just got burned by this too, very hard to explain things when expected lists are empty, would be lovely if this could be fixed so you can see the sites you have access to through a team!

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Team member does not see site under /panel/sites but has access through server

3 total votes
Philippe Aellig Alex Lubor Nosek
  • Dennis moved item to board Planned

    1 year ago
  • Lubor Nosek moved item to project Site Level Requests

    1 year ago
  • Lubor Nosek created the item

    1 year ago