Terry Upton

Terry Upton


Currently you can only add or remove a redirect. It would be useful to be able to edit redirects on the interface inside Sites > Redirects section.




My solution is just addiing a nginx-config for the redirects. It works faster and gives me freedom to change them in a desired order.

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You can also use a tenant with a custom nginx-config to use the automatic SSL feature for the redirect. However, there is still this issue: https://roadmap.ploi.io/projects/2-site-level-requests/items/896-missing-http-redirect-for-tenants-results-in-404-error

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Ability to edit redirects

3 total votes
derHofbauer David Terry Upton
  • Dennis moved item to board Planned

    1 year ago
  • Terry Upton moved item to project Site Level Requests

    1 year ago
  • Terry Upton created the item

    1 year ago