Pepijn van Vlaanderen

Pepijn van Vlaanderen


Currently we can toggle to restart a NodeJs process after each deployment, which we do by default.

However we use monorepo's (turborepo) with auto deployments after every push to the Github repo. But sometimes we do not touch the code of the NodeJs project and due to turborepo it skips the deployment, but Ploi still does a restart.

Ideally we would like to trigger the NodeJs restart through the deployment script, maybe by introducing a 'Deploy script variables' is a good solution for this.

Pepijn van Vlaanderen

Pepijn van Vlaanderen

Item author

@Dennis do you have an ETA on this feature request or when is it planned to be build?

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Any update here? Would be very useful.

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Conditionally reload NodeJs process

2 total votes
SMIT. Pepijn van Vlaanderen
  • Dennis moved item to board Planned

    1 year ago
  • Pepijn van Vlaanderen moved item to project Site Level Requests

    1 year ago
  • Pepijn van Vlaanderen created the item

    1 year ago