Support rclone for backup configurations
Support rclone for backup configurations, providing easy access to over 40 cloud providers and classics like FTP,SFTP all in one program. People could...
Add status page subscribers
Add subscribers feature to status page and send updates to subscribers via email.
Show server IPv6 when adding AAAA records
Currently, when adding an AAAA record, whenever you click on "Server IP" it still enters the server's IPv4 address in the input field. It wo...
File explorer improvements (delete & edit files and permissions)
The current file explorer is a little basic it would be cool to see the following features added: Editting files Editting file permissions Deleting f...
Backup Interval with correct timezone
The backup interval options such as "Each night", or "Daily (every day at midnight)" are not according to users timezone. For exam...
Notification with telegram can use channel
Notification with telegram can send message to a channel Not only to a user
Ability to schedule scripts
I think it might be nice, to be able to also schedule scripts ( so you can automate tasks even better. For example, sent...
Improve teams add member UX
We wanted to add a "admin" user that has access to every server and site but with the current Ploi UX we had to manually add each server to...
Import/Export Redirects
It would be really handy to import or export Redirects from Sites > Redirects. Use cases: As a backup Sometimes I set up Redirects on a staging se...
Display which GIT commit the site is on
It would be good to see which commit each site is on. Very helpful in case a site is not on the same commit as the rest of the sites; we can spot it e...
Sort sites on dashboard by last deploy
Add the possibility to sort the sites on the dashboard page by last deploy time. I only open-up ploi if a deployment failed. Sorting the sites on the...
Teams Access to Backups
We are working more and more with multiple users. And I myself am not always present when the Devs need to deploy stuff. Of course I would like them t...
Add support for AWS t4g instances
AWS offers t4g EC2 instances which are powered by ARM processors. They are cheaper than the Intel or AMD counterparts and perform better under certain...
File explorer keeps going back to home directory when you close a file
When using File explorer and for example looking at a log, after i close the file im looking at the File explorer always takes me back to my home dire...
Clone site issue found. Solution requested
I noticed that clone site does not work fully when a server doesn't have the default port of SSH set to 22. It copies everything except the part where...
Status Page UI: same cell-width for each entry
Depending on the name of the Server in each row of the status page, every column has a different width and the page looks a bit edgy. I think it would...
Web Notification option
I'd be very helpful to get a system notification when a deployment is successful or fails.
Screen locked without user realising
I have automatic lock screen set to quite short 10-20 mins. But this means whatever screen I'm working on when I get back to it it might be timed out....
Docker Improvements
We would like to extend the functionalities for Docker servers and applications. Before starting the development process we'd like to ask your advise,...
Connecting the same Github/etc account to multiple Ploi accounts
Hi there. As far as I can tell this is the same as this request, but I was requested to make this ticket anyway. I have a personal Ploi account and a...
Ability to add multiple telegram chats for notifications
Hey! It's will be super handy to specify multiple telegram chats (group chat or user chats) for notifications
Projects and Teams
Organising servers into projects is very helpful, especially if you have many projects and different environments per project. When working with teams...
Configure custom logs for the panel
Sometimes on Node.js or Laravel there are custom logs that are needed, and adding them to the ploi console would be a great feature to have.
Deploy Logs color highlighting
The deploy logs are displayed all in grey text. Would be great if those could be color highlighted like in the terminal to be able to scan them faster...
Quick deploy badge on sites overview page
It would be really cool to see which sites have quick deploy mode installed right from the overview page. Also filtering (enabled / disabled) would be...
Global shared deploy script variables and secrets
I would like to propose a new feature that allows users to create and manage global shared deploy script variables, including key-value pairs and opti...
Ability to view team sites
Hi, It would be great if we can see team sites just like team servers:
Notification Channel - Webhook HTTP POST
Notification Channel - Webhook HTTP POST Notification Event - site created Use Case: So we can take some automated actions ( like on site creation e...
Overview of daemons across server
It would be very nice to be able to view all daemons across all servers so that if needed I can restart them from a single place instead of needing to...
Quick assign site/server to project
Would it be possible to be able to add a site to a project quickly via the Site's page? Such as in the top right corner here: Or at least a multi sel...
Backup: Defining dynamic dynamic destination-folder + name
When creating backups I'd be great to be able to define dynamic destination-folder + file-name based on the site / database. e.g /backups//database/_
Bug: Adding multiple self-signed certificates overwrites previous and removing it produces invalid nginx configuration
So today my server and all it's domains stopped working because the nginx config was invalid... took a few hours but I figured out what happened: Add...
Webhook Logs
When creating servers, we can currently pass a Webhook URL to be notified when a server is ready for usage. It would be helpful to be able to view the...
Security: Ability to de-authorise an SSH key on all servers
There's currently a way to create a public key and push it to all servers. Wondering if it would be feasible to add a way to revoke an SSH key from al...
New Laravel Log UI date time issue and horizontal scroll issue
The new Laravel log UI time is consistently showing 3 hours ahead. Additionally, if the log contains a long error message, it scrolls horizontally ins...
Show backups badge in Server Sites view
Currently a "Has Backups" badge is shown under the Sites view. However, if you go to a Server and view its Sites, the badge is missing. Ther...
ploi generates SSH keys in hetzner account for every new server and doesn't deletes them
this is only a minor nuisance. Every time creates a new server in my Hetzner Cloud account, it also creates a new SSH key there. I understand...
Backup on webdav
Hello, i would like to know if it would be possible to add the possibility to backup the db and files on a webdav endpoint. Thank you !
View readme directly in control panel
I like to keep deployment notes in my Maybe we can have an option to display the readme. Or a file can be read in with specific not...
Ploi Dashboard Server Charts - Specific Servers or Favourite Servers Should Show
It would be great if we were able to customise the servers that are shown by default on the dashboard charts. This could be done via a setting in the...
Ability to have more than 1 integration per provider
It would be nice to be able to link more than one Google account to a Ploi account in integrations (and probably the other integrations as well). I ha...
Configure automatic updates time
Configuring the time for automatic server updates (especialy critical ones that can't be disabled) will be more than very usefull to avoid service dis...
Allow setting of default setting when creating a site.
On site creation, we would like to be able to set by default "create system user" as this can be done in the core. We wouldn't like to see s...
View readme button
Next to edit environment, the ability to view a from a project.
Change PHP version for a queue
Currently it is only possible to set a php version for a queue when creating a new queue. It would be nice to change the php version for existing queu...
Keep ssh keys in sync with GitHub
It would be nice if ssh keys added to GitHub would be synced to all (or configured) servers automatically. Something like
Remote Monitoring, Disk/Ram/CPU, Service Alerts on Dashboard/Status Page
I don't think the remote location (Europe/Asia/US) availability monitoring alerts appear on the dashboard or status page, and I am not sure about the...
Add notes to backups
When I make a manual backup of database or files, it is often because I'm about to do something on dev/staging that might break the site. Some other h...
New insight: zombie processes
In our case, we had a puppeteer process that starts the Chromium browser. After a few weeks, 85% of all processes on the server were marked as "z...
Get SSL certificate without modifying Nginx config files or redirections
Would be possible to get ploi to set an SSL certificate but without touching the nginx configuration files? like a checkbox or an option on the API to...
Download button for Logs
Log Viewer is fine, but... Would be great if user could download Log (Laravel/Server/...) directly through administration. Max 500 lines are great, bu...
Option to have new servers and sites auto added to a Status pages
It would be great to have a option to have new servers and sites auto-added to a Status pages.
Multiple owners/superadmins
I'am a team member (not the owner), and I want to manage other team members, install servers, install repositories, create providers and do all other...
NodeJs Logs limit and error filter
Currently we can only see the last 50 NodeJs logs in the Node Tab. It would be great if we could display more lines. I assume you use something like p...
Teams: grant access to more features for a team
Story: As head of our team, I own the Ploi account, but that does not mean I am the sole user who should have access to certain core features such as...
Show all databases of all servers like websites
Ploi has a wonderful option to show all websites from all server on one page directly accessible from the main menu. I would love to have that for dat...
Ability to reorganise Redirects
I've just run across a situation where I needed to reshuffle a load of redirects because I needed to put a more specific redirect higher up the list....
Status page hide "websites information" when no websites are enabled
The title speaks for itself; There is a little box showing that there are no websites to be displayed when no websites are added to the status page. I...
Missing permissions when creating an API token
I noticed that there are no update permissions on, but for...
Add amount of current backups in File backups creation
When creating a file backup, after selecting the server there is no amount of availible backups availible as per database backup creation. For example...
Option to duplicate notifications to new site / server upon creation
When creating a server / site, it would be really awesome to get the option to copy over the notifications from another site / server. For example: C...
Worker server application branch
It should be possible to change a branch for a application, especially inside worker servers.
Select system user when creating an application
Like the site's it would be nice to have an option to select a system user when creating a new application
UBL 2.1 xml invoice
Attach a UBL 2.1 xml document to the invoice that can be used to automatically process the invoice (for our purchase invoices) - it saves a lot of tim...
Installing Statamic created a repo in the wrong GitHub account
I have two github accounts configured. I installed statamic ( via the automatic creation of a repo in my github account (niccolof...
Use the site id associated user for ssh when moving database zip backups to their final location
Issue: Moving a database to a home/username/ folder fails due to permissions. This is because databases are not sites, so we do not know their usernam...
Insights - Improvement for redirect after "Fix issue"
Especially if you work on a high number of insights, it would be good if "Fix issue" would lead you back to the overview or if you don't lea...
Opt-in confirmation modal on Friday deployments
Leaning into the popular online joke that you shouldn't deploy on Friday, an opt-in confirmation modal when pressing Deploy should appear asking the u...
Edit Backups: more / all options
After creating a backup (file or database) we can't change all options we've set when creating the backup job. It would be great if all could edited a...
Feature Request: Default Notification Settings in Backup Configurations
Building on the recent addition where Ploi allows for the definition of custom notification drivers for failed backups, it would be immensely benefici...
Give system users access to Docker socket
Allow us to select which system users have access to the docker socket. Current workaround is to manually run sudo usermod -a -G docker <USER> t...