Hardware 2fa (Yubikey)
Allow for two factor authentication via a physical hardware device such as a yubikey, these are frequently used among security professionals and would...
Global Monitoring Tab
It would be great to add a tab with a global monitoring of all the servers and sites. I think it would be interesting because sometime it's difficult...
File backups and Database backups should run on identical schedules
I run nightly, weekly and monthly backups for the filesystem, and for databases. These should happen on the same schedule so that when you need to res...
Save server credentials in 1Password
After you create a server, you'll receive an email with the server sudo & database password. choose to set these values at the start of the serve...
Bulk selection and handling (for site & db backups)
It would be very handy to have bulk selection and handling to ploi, for example when using ploi core for shared hosting like we do we have to add ever...
Dashboard redesign
Dashboard redesign update 👀
Improved projects navigation
It would be nice to use the "Projects" page in the navigation not only for editing projects (adding servers etc) but also to view everything...
Connect multiple accounts with same GitLab/GitHub/... account
I have separate Ploi accounts for work and private. Currently, my Gitlab account is linked to my private account which means I cannot connect it to my...
Support for Cloudflare scoped API keys
My application uses a Wildcard SSL certificate. Since the challenge for this type of certificate is DNS-based, we need to link our Cloudflare account...
Editability of Backup Configurations
It would be nice to have the feature to edit the backup configuration if needed. I am giving an example of the requirement of the change of Backup Con...
New insight: OPcache full
When the OPcache get's full, because either the max files or max memory is reached your application(s) are slowing down because PHP has to constantly...
Top-down live deploy script output
Currently when deploying updates to your site, the output of the deploy script gets streamed to the panel. This is nice, but I'd prefer if it streamed...
Custom notifications for failed backups
You now get an email by default. Would be cool if this is configurable to custom notifications. Could be an option that lives besides before and after...
Google Chat notification channel
Adding an google chat as a new notification channel would allow google Workspace customers user to use their existing infrastructure. Documentation
Multiple DNS providers
It would be nice to have the ability to set up multiple Cloudflare accounts within the Ploi Panel. I use multiple Cloudflare accounts and currently, I...
Clear backup file if backup failed
If a backup fails, for whatever reason (remote driver unavailable, bad credentials), it will now leave the backup on the server (the .zip file). We'll...
Ability to add a description to the Sites
Hello, I'm starting to have difficulties remembering which Site/Application does what. Having the ability to add a description for each Site and displ...
Change system user for an existing site
There are a lot of reasons why a different system user per site is better. Unfortunately it's not yet possible to change the user for any given site o...
File backup .tar
I would like file backups to be (optionally) a .tar(.gz) file to include unix file attributes.
Hint in Cronjob config for aliases
Ploi creates PHP version aliases, but that's not mentioned inside the panel. This would be a helpful hint for e.g. Cronjob configuration.
Ability to edit backup configuration
Ability to edit a backup configuration in your profile.
Embedded status page
Possibility to embed a status page via iframe
Add worker applications to synchronized deployments modal
Currently synchronized deployments do not show the worker applications.
Improve UX of sidebar menu / collapsed state
The current implementation of the side menu is difficult to use when you're within a sub-view (server, site, etc). The icons have no labels making it...
Add support for c5 EC2 instances
The c5 family is compute optimised. These are much better for PHP web applications and don't cost much more than t2 and t3. It would be awesome if Plo...
Connect via SSH button via terminal in ploi
A button to connect to the server via SSH in a terminal window. As you already know it's pretty easy. Just add a link with the right scheme to the pan...
Option for flash/toast messages to be limited
It would be great if there was an option to limit how many toast/flash messages can be on the page at one time. For my use case, I'd like the option t...
FILE-Backups: overview panel optimisation
There's some inconsitancy between the database and the file-backup overview. The database-list displays the following information that the file-backup...
Add a server to a project from the server page
With more than 10 servers, the project list is not usable, so adding servers to a project should be done on the server page as well.
Remove date and time from backup filename
When using an external backup as S3, that includes a lifecycle setup with versioning, the date and time on the filename is not required and it is best...
The ability for a team member to create a custom server
At this moment it does not seem possible for a team member to create a custom server within the team. The option is greyed out. It would be nice that...
Server connection failed improvements
Last few days one of my servers is being marked as "Server connection failed" and I wonder why and how. The server is operational just fine...
Comma separate IPs on network rules
It would be nice to be able to comma separate IP addresses on a network rule so we don't have to add lots of different rules.
Ploi panel <title> tags should not start with site name
I noticed that my browser was giving me every time the Ploi panel autocompletion when typing in a new URL, instead of the URL of the app. For example,...
Format Vultr plans
Vultr has a lot of possible server plans, but they're kind of a mess. With the following guide from their docs, it is possible to format them so it's...
Search on server name in file backups panel
Currently unable to search for servername in the file backups. It does work in the DB backups.
If I'm already logged in, going to "https://ploi.io" should redirect me to my dashboard
Title is pretty self explanatory. I think going to the dashboard has got to be overwhelmingly the main reason people who are already logged in open u...
Team members invitation save
We should save the invitations, so we can display those but also limit the number of emails sent (duplicates).
Control backup notification contact
I'd like to be able control who gets notified about backups/backups failing. Currently, only the account owner gets notified. But I'd like to be abl...
laravel commands should use project php version
Server default php version is php7.4 Project/website runs on php8.1 Laravel commands (left side panel in website "control panel") are execut...
Receive notifications for finished backups
It's cool you receive notifications for failed backups. However, it would be really cool if I can setup notifications for finished backups so that I c...
Ability to update SSH key labels
Presently we can't update a key, only delete them. Being able to re-name labels would be very nice! :)
Team Members cant "/" search Sites, only Servers
Hi Dennis. I added a new team member "x@y.com". When I log in with this user and type "/" for global search it only shows servers,...
Default collation for mySql 8 Databases
As discussed on discord Ploi still uses utf8mb3_unicode_ci as default on MySql8 Databases. It would be great if we could switch to the MySQL8 default...
Ability to change if SSH key is added to new servers
There is an option when creating an SSH key to Always provision to new servers, after creation this is not editable. I would like to be able to change...
ploi core: possibility to use Custom nginx webservertemplate for ploi core
it would be awesome to use a custom webserver template for ploi core users, for example we optimise a webserver template for WP-rocket and edit the fa...
Bug: Pause/unpause of cronjobs jumps UI
I don't think this should happen and is very annoying trying to pause/unpause multiple crons. Little screencap: https://screen.bouma.link/ug51XXU6zfK5...
Specify system user name in the popup dialog when deleting
In the "Are you sure?" dialog when deleting a system user we are being asked "Are you sure you want to delete this system user?"....
Sidebar nav not active items remove focus:bg-gray-100
Manage all NGINX configuration when editting on server level
When using "Manage > Configuration Files > NGINX configuration" it would be really neat if you could also edit the vhost NGINX files f...
Accept canary Discord webhook urls
Canary is also a good url :-)
Database backups manage/ control buttons are not aligned
Dear Concerns, I have shared the screenshot to show that the database backups table manage buttons/ control buttons are not aligned. Due to the placem...
NodeJs Restart process
Right now we can only stop a NodeJS application manually and then spawn it again. A dedicated "restart" button would be awesome! :)
Error in upgrade page
https://imgur.com/p2I7pJQ On this upgrade screen, four features are listed as both "you currently have this" and "you will get this by...
Shared sites cannot be search with a / shorcut by the user that this site is shared with
Press / to search - sort results alphabetically
Seems like now it is sorted by server id, when I created server mariadb2 after mariadb3 and search for mariadb, server mariadb3 is listed before maria...
Add a space here
You are missing a space here I think
Button to "Fix Permissions" for sites
A button on the sites management panel that set all the files under /home/username/domain.com/ to be into username:ploi (ploi group) That will help wh...
Save the modal maximise status
It's really awesome being able to maximise the modals. I like it so much, that I would like to automatically maximise on all modals. Is is possible to...
Add server info to backup email notifications
At this moment, when you get a notification from a successful/failed database/website backup, you see the name of the project. Including the server na...
File Backups UI Bug: Duplicate "Failed" status label
When a File backup has failed, it seems to show a duplicate "Failed" status label: (One with a space after "attempt" and one with...
Link from production site to staging site
Hiya, Would be nice to have a link on your production page settings to your staging page and vice versa. Searching for the site when you have allot of...
Change notification text to have result first
I use Pushover notifications to get the results of my backups, hwever all the text doesn't fit in my notification screen. I have to open the Pushover...
Possibility to select all servers when creating / editing a SSH Key
It would be great to have a checkbox/button to select all servers when creating a new SSH key or deploying an existing key on servers. I've a few serv...
Cronjob notes / descriptions
I would love the ability to add a short note or description to each cronjob set up for a server or site. It's not always obvious for other team member...
Change 2FA from 6 inputs to 1 input
Currently the 2FA form contains six input fields, one for each number. This looks nice, and on the desktop when typing the code the focus shifts to th...
Don't easily close 2FA modal
When enabling 2FA, it takes you to the screen where the recovery codes are visible. Do not close the modal when you click outside. It can be tricky if...
Add "Manage Docker" as a permission in teams
It is not possible to remove the Docker tab for a team in the permissions. Everything else can be deactivated, so this looks like an oversight. Also m...
API show set permissions
Please show the granted permissions after a API key has been set. Currently there is no way to check, which permissions have been granted after creati...
Sort teams overview on team name
Right now the "Teams" list seems to be sort on ID / created date and it would be more helpful IMHO to have that list be sorted A-Z instead....
More then 3 members not visible on teams overview page
When you have more then 3 team members the "Teams" overview page doesn't reflect that, only the first 3 are shown without any indication mor...
The option to filter sites by production or staging
It would be useful to have the option to filter sites by production or staging on the Sites panel section. (https://ploi.io/panel/sites). This would b...
Link to api documentation
Put the link to the API documentation in the support page https://ploi.io/support
Sort servers alphabetically in backups list
When I create a new database or file backup, the first step is to select a server. We currently have 20 servers, and they aren't alphabetical. Could y...
Allow updating DigitalOcean API-tokens without having to delete the server provider
DigitalOcean will force everyone to update their API-tokens before March 31, 2023 (https://www.digitalocean.com/blog/updated-api-tokens-new-management...
Team members see all sites using global search
When I log in with this user and type "/" for global search it only shows servers, no sites. I would like our team to find all sites. I have...
Add ability to sort backups by name
I'd find it useful if there was an option to sort backups by "Name". e.g. to easily see sites with duplicate backups etc.
Redirects list paginated
Redirects list should be paginated.
Linode Backup Option at Deployment
I noticed during the process of spinning up a new DigitalOcean server that I had the option to enable backups. The same option does not exist for Lino...
Sidebar UI bug
Hello I just wanted to report a small UI bug that I've noticed. When you are on a Website, the "Servers" tab is highlighted in the sidebar i...
Bug: refresh Monitoring page with filters
When you select a different filter on the monitoring page (like 24 hours) and refresh the page, the graph will show the data of the previous filter, b...
Add "Server" column to "File" backups list
Are you able to add the "Server" column to the "File" backups list, please? It's present for the "Database" backups, jus...
Octane settings does not use the project directory
Hi Dennis, currently the daemon spawner for octane in ploi does not use the project root setting for a site. Could you please use the project root to...
Autofocus 2FA form field
When using 2FA, auto-focus the form field in which to enter the code.
Link to server in "Server connection failed" notification
When receiving a "Server connection failed" notification there are a bunch of instructions and SSH keys but no link back to Ploi where I can...
Add a Close button + Escape key trigger to close Backup files modal
It would be nice if there was an additional close icon-button at the top of the modal. Also, it would be nice if the modal would close when a user pre...
Move searchbar on the backups overview page
Move searchbar on the backups overview page from filter dropdown to the bar. Example or for "UI synergy" have it look more like every other...
Backup "In progress" status indicator wraps to new line
It would look better if the whole sentence would stay on one line.
AWS S3 Bucket Options for Backup
Hi. There is no option to select the Region for AWS Bucket Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1. Please add it to the list. I am unable to add my S3 Bucket f...
Styling bugje
Referral Page Improvements
Currently there seems to be just a single count of users that signed up, but no indication of whether they converted for a reward. Would be nice to se...
Region doesn't persist in backup configurations
Add search to CP logs
It would be very handy to be able to search and filter to CP logs section.
Clunky search button on mobile devices
When viewing the panel on a mobile device, the search button looks clunky. Either add horizontal padding or as I would prefer, just display a search i...
Add button to leave a team
Make a button on the team page settings so you can leave said team.
Notify users about API tokens being unused
When API tokens are unused (Ploi tracks that variable), it might be useful to notify the user all together that it's being unused for safety reasons (...
Issue 2FA and recovery codes
With the new auth pages, the new 2FA view doesn't accept recovery codes (those are random generated strings). We have to make a button that allows for...