


If a backup fails, for whatever reason (remote driver unavailable, bad credentials), it will now leave the backup on the server (the .zip file).

We'll have to have a setting that allows the user to say with a checkbox "Delete backup file if backup fails"



· · Edited

@Dennis where is this setting? I just had a server crash because the 35 minute timeouts left very big incomplete zips and filled up the server :) Would love to enable this but was unable to find the checkbox!

1 total vote


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Merged Remove failed backups after x days from the server into this item

Created by: Green17

Remove failed backups after x days from the server, currently if a backup fails the files for that backup sit on the server and take up space.

It would be great to have the option to have these removed after say 40day etc.

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René Sinnbeck

René Sinnbeck


Where is this setting? Or is it just automatic ?

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Item author

I moved it to the wrong board yesterday, but today it's actually in progress. We'll be testing this and see what went wrong, somehow, the checkbox got removed in the process.

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· · Edited

Dennis, great to see this option. We will run a test.

  1. Is there any way to bulk check this option? We have a lot of servers and backups.
  2. It would be good if there was an option to remove failed backups after a certain number of days (e.g., 7 days) so that we can still retrieve them if needed within that period.
  3. We experience a lot of backup failures, which makes it difficult to trust the Ploi backup system. We currently use Google Drive. Is there a more robust setup available?
no votes yet

Clear backup file if backup failed

4 total votes
Mike Green17 Ivo Pereira René Sinnbeck
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