Backups: temporary files not deleted on fail
When a backup of a database fails, temporary files are not deleted. Needs extra investigation: Sites with Zero Downtime Deployments; Large SQL files;...
Ploi should send a notification if a backup fails due to lack of storage space
Ploi normally does a great job of emailing me if a backup fails. I did an audit today and realised that a site hasn't backed up for a year. Turns out...
2FA error "419 Page expired"
If you type in the 2FA code (authenticator) and "quickly" hit Enter, you will end up with an error page. It "auto-submits" after t...
Provisioned PHP 8.1 instead of 8.2 even if I selected 8.2
I provisioned a custom server with Ubuntu 22.04 selecting PHP 8.2 but Ploi installed PHP 8.1. When setting up a new WordPress site, I kept receiving e...
[Database backup] Access failed: Permission denied
When performing a database backup, some users get the following error: adding: site-1715940949.sql (deflated 82%) Uploading ZIP to SFTP server.. Usage...
Bug in alias creation with NGINX vhost
We created an alias on one of our domains. Unfortunately, this broke the nginx configuration. After investigation, we found that the nginx configurati...
Database backups paused after only 1 failure
Yesterday, my database backups on a server all failed (due to low disk space). I received emails saying the backup had failed, and that 5 failures wer...
Sidebar UI Bug in the Dashboard
It is very hard to reach the support option because of height: 100vh style applied to the aside panel. An example page where th...
Bug: hide actions where you don't have permissions
Uninstall PhpMyAdmin
[Database backup] Table exclusions
Steps to reproduce: Add table exclusions to database backup Save Edit -> no table exclusions shown Unsure if the exclusions are saved or not, or...
Team members cannot schedule deployments
When a team member tries to schedule a deployment they get redirected to the pricing page with a notification that "this action is not allowed fo...
Docker Networks GUI seems broken
I can see the network information being returned to the client in JSON, but it is not displayed. Console shows: a.ipam.config is null
Backup notification removal
I've noticed a bug when removing notifications in the backups section. Some notification items refuse to be removed unless you add a new one then remo...
Other Cronjobs disappear when deleting a cronjob - when you have multiple cronjobs and delete one here, they al disappear untill you reload the page.
When changing "Web directory" in Ploi->site->settings, the ssl fails to request/renew/
When changing "Web directory" in Ploi->site->settings, the ssl fails to request/renew/ Before changing web directory: location ~ /.we...
404 when switching system user
Well, title explains it already. But when trying to switch the system user as team member, I get a 404 error.
Cannot set Disable robots in status page
Every time I reload the page, the checkmark "Disable robots" in the status page settings gets resetted.
Database Backups disabled ("Your plan does not support this") on Pro plan
I cannot access the DB Backups UI even though I'm on the Pro pla, because the "Backups" option in the per DB dropdown on /panel/servers/{id}...
UI z-index issue when displaying notifications
When on the site backup (may happen on other pages), the notifications dropdown displays behind the pages content. To replicate the issue: Navigate t...
Update site - API doc needs update
The example request in curls to{server}/sites while it should be htt...
Unable to delete a ploi profile and create a new one
I'm unable to create a new ploi account, after i deleted it.
Deploy webhook url is emptied after deploying.
Under sites > select site > Notifications > Webhook URL. Enter a URL here to receive data about the latest deployment. Ploi will send a POST...
Requesting SSL for phpMyAdmin results in nginx warning
After requesting an SSL for phpMyAdmin I am seeing the following error from nginx: conflicting server name "" on, igno...
Docs - Wrong Create database example
The CURL example at is wrong and I have wasted some time debugging obvious errors. Currentl...
Disable "Install WordPress CLI" on DB servers
We don't need WP CLI on DB servers and also the orphan reference to phpMyAdmin shouldn't be there as there is no web server obviously. :)
Elasticsearch - discovery.seed_hosts: null added to elasticsearch.yml
On a fresh Elasticsearch server, any changes to the "Elasticsearch details" page (via Ploi GUI), e.g. updating "Network host", it...
Laravel command `migrate:status` redirects to 404
When clicking on the migrate:status command, the modal opens correctly but in the background the panel is navigated to the following url which results...
Unavailable server (connection lost) but sites functions worked.
The Site in ploi (/panel/servers/ServerID/sites/SiteID ) is available while the server state is "not connected/not active" I could manually...
Sudoers file: PHP is missing after upgrading to 8.2
Search button cover mene
On break point 768px search button a little bit cover menu button.
Marketplace overflow styling bug
See screenshot:
Updating cronjob on site level reveals every cronjob setted
Hi guys, When you update a cronjob an site level and hit the update button the list of cronjobs is refreshed. After refreshing I am seeing every cronj...
Unable to Suspend a Website as a Team Member: Subscription Requirement Message
When logged in as a team member, users are unable to suspend a website. when attempting to suspend the site, a message is displayed: "Your subscr...
Clone Database feature error
I would like to clone my databases to another server. I open the clone modal, and the dropdown where I have to choose the destination server is comple...
Status page redirecting to ploi page instead of showing status page
We've noticed that our status page is no longer working, it's now redirecting to instead of showing our page. We...
Meilisearch indexes paginations
Hi! On a meilisearch server, when the amount of indexes goes over 20 you can't see them anymore in the list.
Refresh deployment script after adding suggested scripts
Ploi suggests commands for your deployment script after, for example, adding a website as a Laravel project. This works great, however it requires a r...
Wildcard SSL Certificate causes empty key modal
When I added a CSR or Certificate Signing request using * it got added. I generated a new certificate with Xolphin, got the Sectigo certifi...
Mass assign notifications
When I try to mass assign my notification channel to all my websites, I get an error 500. Reproduce: Profile > Notification Channels > Bulk assi...
Reset file permissions is hard to read
You can go to any site you want. Go to Manage > Reset permissions > Look at the modal.
Wordpress Cronjob has Double Slash in Execution path
Bug Description When creating a Cronjob via the Wordpress Tab you can get Double slashes in the path. Steps to reproduce Create a new site with the fo...
Elasticsearch server looking for missing ES logs
On Elasticsearch servers, going to Logs and choosing "[Elasticsearch] General log (/var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.log)" errors with: t...
Laravel Deploy Script Suggestions break editing environment
The auto laravel deploy script suggestions popup is useful but they prevent me from editing the environment variable if they "detect" someth...