Team member does not have access to all features (you need a paid subscription …)
Hey, I have a colleague who is invited as a team member. When he tries to access the insights he gets the message "You need a paid subscription t...
File Explorer resets back to /home/ploi when opening any file
Issue: I navigate the directory structure to /home/ploi//app/Http Open Kernal.php Close the file. The File explorer then resets me back to /home/ploi...
Restarting a PM2 process fails to use updated settings
We're using Next and we've ran into a minor issue. First bug Steps to reproduce: Set Start command to npx next start Set Args to -p 3001 Check &quo...
Loadbalancer: Allow many certificates (use crt-list)
In the loadbalancer, you can create certificates for all assigned webservers. This works well for a certain number of certificates. In haproxy.cfg the...
Zero downtime deployment - NodeJS
The zero-downtime deployment feature isn't functioning for Node.js applications. Despite enabling the "Restart process after deployment" opt...
Editing Network rule creates ufw duplicates
E.g When creating a Network rule via UI, it creates the following rule: ufw allow from to any port 3306 proto tcp comment 'joshua' When...
CMD + / to search doesn't work on Safari 😀
can't use cmd / to search. would be nice to fix. also seems the "standard" is cmd k all over the web? could be nice to have that avaiable to...
Docker GUI bug
Status Overview - Status after Refresh
If you disable services in the status for "Disable on boot", the entry turns gray. However, as soon as an update is running, the status turn...
Bug on certbot when trying to add 2 sites to a server
When adding to sites into a server, the certificate faild because 2023-10-17 17:51:29,822:DEBUG:certbot._internal.lock:A lock on /var/log/letsencrypt/...
GUI PHP settings only affects FPM and not the CLI config files too
Changing the 3 PHP settings via GUI only apply to the FPM config files while the CLI config files are not being updated and it causes confusion. Also,...
Ubuntu 24.04 Problems with other PHP Versions
On a fresh Ubuntu 24.04 Server it is currently not possible to install PHP 8.0 or PHP 8.1 because the package php8.1-memcached can not be found. It wo...
Unable to delete system users from GUI
I don't know if this is limited to Ubuntu 24.04 but deleting system users doesn't work. They disappear from the GUI but they stay on the server. From...
SFTP backups do not fail in Ploi when failing on server.
All sftp backups were "OK" but actually were already failing for a week or three. adding: xx-xxxx--xxxxx-1717169423.sql (deflated 87%) Uploa...
Add web worker IP to the UFW rules when updating default network SSH rule
On a new server, when updating the default open to all SSH port and restricting it to our VPN IP, Ploi updates the server UFW firewall and adds the th...
Cloning a server breaks staging > production connections
If you have a site set up with a Staging > Production connection (where staging will allow you to deploy to production), cloning that server breaks...
Text in Dutch - Ploi Core
Hi, Several clients have asked me about the Dutch texts that appear on the Ploi Core Dashboard. I started to look carefully and they also appear in th...