ploi core: WordPress Toolkit
I would be awesome to have a Wordpress toolkit integrated in ploicore, 90% of our users ask for sso with the WordPress admin of the site, next to that...
WHMCS Plugin
A Plugin to Integrate selling Hosting From WHMCS and Automate account Creation
Custom functionality section with an API
This is a long request, more like a small project. So I will try my best to explain it here. I am happy to talk with you Dennis to explain it better a...
Ploi Docker - Deployment Support
The newly added docker support is a great new feature - BUT, why is there no option to do deployments? Please add possibility to make deployments in p...
ploi core: SFTP instead of FTP
Instead of FTP, please integrate SFTP for users in ploi core.
Ruby on Rails Support
Add support for deploying Ruby on Rails applications
Mattermost notification channel
It'd be great if there was a Mattermost notification channel. Mattermost is compatible with Slacks formatting format, so this should be very easy. Alt...
Security - Redis Password per site
I think, you have at the moment, a security risk with having redis without password. Once a wordpress is hacked, they can give PLOI-core commands for...
Ploi Pages
Hi! I am loving your service! I am a Laravel backend developer. I find it really easy when I deployed our Laravel API backend here at Ploi. I don't kn...
Security: "Log out of all devices"
There's currently a very thorough Login history section under Profile > Security. Many security-conscious websites provide a way for you to "l...
Bug: ploi and ploi core database options don't match
When creating a new server in PLOI, I have 7 options to chose from: MySQL 8, MariaDB 10.6, 4 versions of PostgreSQL (12, 13, 14, 15) or NO database at...
Ability restrict server plans when creating new servers (ploi core packages)
Ploi core packages should have an option to allow specific server plans and/or a monetary limit, otherwise it's impossible to properly sell plans that...
Ability to add add-ons to packages
Currently, any package (hosting plan) we create on Ploi.core will have a minimum of 1 website (understandably), however, sometimes we sell add-ons, so...
Specify Provider Plan Pricing and Improve the Frontend Pricing Layout
Pricing on packages seems to be the weakest aspect of Core. Each package is based on a x sites and y servers scenario, which is not ideal when we want...
4 Digit Stripe Postcodes
I cannot save a credit card in Core unless the Postcode is 5 digits. Postcodes in Australia and New Zealand are 4 digits.
Groove Support Integration
I understand this is asking for a lot but an integration with a helpdesk/knowledgebase provider would be amazing. Groove and Helpscout are good exampl...
sendinblue API transactional emails
I requested this in Discord but figured here is better for these things. Would it be possible to have sendinblue added via HTTP API? I know I can just...