Hamish Palmer

Hamish Palmer

Under review

Pricing on packages seems to be the weakest aspect of Core. Each package is based on a x sites and y servers scenario, which is not ideal when we want to create a list of tiered packages to sell servers of varying size. There is no flexibility to create a package, and then assign a provider plan to that package.

For example, a better approach would be to select the server providers when editing a package, then be presented with a list of provider plans with a checkbox next to each plan to be associated with that package. It would be tedious work but at least we could create a package called "1 CPU 1 GB 25GB" and select the matching DigitalOcean + Linode plans of that size:

This doesn't solve the issue of packages displayed on the frontend, which really need to be grouped by site and server permissions. Even if we could manually group the packages rather than by conditions, it would be a huge improvement.

The classic use-case would be a group of shared and a group of dedicated CPU servers. Better yet, when I create a package just with server permissions, and a package just with site permissions, group them accordingly automatically in the frontend:

There will be no situation that is useful to my current clients where they need packages with both server and site permissions, and if they do then they can subscribe to a server package alongside a site package.

Hamish Palmer

Hamish Palmer

Item author

The above mockup doesn't take into account someone wanting to have multiple servers/sites on the same plan... adding a quantity column with +/- input would be a good solution:


Then make the button state dynamic depending on number of subscriptions and the quantity selected, please excuse my poor 30 second mockups.

Client with an active subscription(s) who wants to cancel:

Client with 2 of the same package who wants to add a 3rd:

Client with no active subscription, who wants to subscribe:

The default state, no subscription and no quantity selected:

Client who wants to downgrade to 1 package:

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Specify Provider Plan Pricing and Improve the Frontend Pricing Layout

1 total vote
Hamish Palmer
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