Configure NodeJS app settings via the API
The NodeJS app settings can be configured in the panel, which supports choosing supervisor or pm2 and setting the port, command to execute, and other...
Run arbitrary scripts on a server via the API
It's possible to create a script and run it with the api, but there's no way to run an arbitrary one-time script. We can obviously create, run, and th...
Check if a deployment failed or succeeded via the API
When running a deployment via the API, the response basically just says that the deployment has been queued but there's no way to check the deployment...
Return the password of the system user when it's created via the API
When creating a new system user, the only way to get the new user's password is to manually log in to the panel and click the "Show password"...
Detect and deny Redirect duplicates
Currently, it is possible to create the same redirect rule multiple times or even conflicting ones (both via API and from the UI). Please implement a...
Run scripts as different system users via the API
The ploi API only supports running scripts as either ploi or root, even on machines that have additional system users. We use system users to isolate...
Create bulk Redirects
I needed to create multiple redirects and thought what better tool than the API ( Only to discov...
Assign a Database User to a Database through the API
I would like to see an option to assign an existing databaser user to an existing database. This is already possible in the Ploi web interface (see sc...
Allow to assign a cronjob via API
Creating a Cronjob via API only allows 3 parameter $command, $frequency, $user = 'ploi' In the Ploi UI, you can assign the site so that it appears und...
Create a staging site when creating a site via the API
The POST api/servers/{server}/sites endpoint doesn't support creating a staging site. When you create a site manually through the panel, it sends a ha...
Docker API request
Would appreciate if there is API for docker operations so I can automate my project. Create application Create docker compose file Create .env file R...
php error log via api
I would be great to have an API endpoint that returns the PHP error log from a specific site. Today the error log is fully customizable via nginx.conf...
Ploi API - Create site doesn't allow to define the Project
When creating a site via API we are unable to define the Project hence I have to then go to the GUI...
LImit API key to servers
It would be helpful if the API-key could be limited to a limited selected servers.
Allow setting PHP settings (Memory Limit, Execution Time, Upload File Size) with API
I looked at the API and I didn't find a way to do this, it would be nice to be able to control all these through the API.
Poll the status of an ongoing ssl certificate creation process
Creating a certificate often (maybe always?) returns status: unknown. The "List certificates" endpoint can be polled afterwards to determine...
DNS LE request verification
When running behind an HA proxy, in a load balancer scenario, letsencrypt DNS verification would work best instead of an acme challenge, since the res...
Server-API does not consider PostgreSQL
The server API currently always returns the attribute mysql_version even if no mysql is running on the server and the server was created with PostgreS...
Webhook for script output
Ability to get the output of a "run a script on server" action.
Add Backup Size to API
Add the size (in MB?) of backups to the API for the following routes: List Backups Get Backups
Update PHP GUI values via API
Could you please make it possible to update the PHP config values maneagable via GUI, via API too? This also relates to a problem reported at https://...
API endpoint to select different deployment script
Currently the admin panel supports creating different deploy scripts. There is no API endpoint to use these. I would like to request a possibility in...
DNS Provider to request certificate via API
Currently there is no way to add a DNS record via an API call. Adding this option would be great.
The ability to create a "redirect domain"
In the ploi panel you can create a site and check "Use as redirect domain", it would be cool if you could also do this with the API (and, li...