René Sinnbeck

René Sinnbeck

Under review

I have project that has a custom built cli (built upon symfonys command classes, in the same way laravels artisan is). It would be awesome if you could set up custom commands in the panel, in the same way I can for artisan. Like set exact command to execute

php {RELEASE}/command db:optimize



Interesting, how'd you like to see this UI wise if I may ask?

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René Sinnbeck

René Sinnbeck

Item author

Good question. My idea was to have a new menu item called "CLI" or similar. On that page you can add a new command in the same way you do on the laravel page. For each command you give it a name, and a command to run (with support for script variables). All commands will then be shown in a grid like fashion with buttons you can click to run them.

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Custom cli commands

1 total vote
René Sinnbeck
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