Mason Day

Mason Day


Apologies I'd prematurely said this was fixed but I was mistaken

I still can't install via composer global require ploi/cli or composer global require ploi/cli -W




Can you try running composer global update? This updates all the dependencies you've installed globally.

After that, try again installing the CLI using composer global require ploi/cli

Please let me know if this helped!

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Mason Day

Mason Day

Item author

Aah that's got it kinda! So doing global update did update packages but still didn't fix the issue

After running composer global why symfony/console I saw a bunch of old global packages so I just uninstalled them and then ploi/cli finally installed!

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Alright, good to know! Very unfortunate, but glad it worked out.

If you need help, or find any bugs/weird things, feel free to reach out!

Have fun using the CLI :)

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Can't install ploi/cli

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Mason Day
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