Peter Kuipers
Our first server is full, it would be great when we add a new server to ploi core that we could copy the users that have rights on the old (full server). So that we do not have to type all the users one by one like it is now.
I'm not sure I completely understand this one, could you elaborate differently?
Peter Kuipers
Item authorwell our server is full, we have added a new server. the agencies that use the first server need to use the new server now... So i have to attach all agencies to the new server thru administration > servers > Edit and manually enter their email adresses.
I would be more convenient if i could just select the users that need access or copy them from the old server. Or select the user in administration > Users and attach them there to a server.
ploi core: Copy users from an other server
Dennis moved item to board Planned
2 years ago -
Dennis moved item to project Ploi Core Requests
2 years ago -
Peter Kuipers opened
2 years ago