


It would be nice to have more endpoints for Ploi Core. This because people would be able to have more automatization (for example triggering the creating of sites from out a WHMCS installation).

Currently available (

  • List users
  • Create users

I want to add:

  • Create site (with user ID as parameter to create the sites for)
  • Create server (with user ID as parameter to create the sites for)
  • Account Suspend (new feature in ploi core, unrelated to ploi API)
  • Account Unsuspend (new feature in ploi core, unrelated to ploi API)
  • Account Terminate (new feature in ploi core, unrelated to ploi API)
  • Change Package (new feature in ploi core, unrelated to ploi API)

I want to expand:

  • Create users -> add package parameter
John Paul

John Paul


Sorry @Dennis didnt realize by request here was a duplicate. My request is very similar as I want to Intergrate with Clientexec. Hope to see this go through!

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Ankit Paliwal

Ankit Paliwal


Would ploi-core not be redundant if WHMCS in place to serve account management and creation? Especially as user accounts can be provisioned in Ploi in itself, and billing handled by WHMCS?

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More API endpoints

3 total votes
John Paul Peter Kuipers Dennis
  • Dennis moved item to board Live

    2 years ago
  • Ralph J. Smit moved item to board Done

    2 years ago
  • Ralph J. Smit moved item to board In progress

    2 years ago
  • Dennis moved item to board Planned

    2 years ago
  • Dennis moved item to project Ploi Core Requests

    2 years ago
  • Dennis opened

    2 years ago