Sidharth Raveendran

Sidharth Raveendran


The server type is not switchable at the moment and the new docker+nginx server setup is something that old docker servers could be upgraded to by installing necessary packages.

Upgrading from docker only server to docker+nginx server could be possible, whereas a downgrade/opposite of this might not necessarily be possible.




Hi! 👋

Thank you for your suggestion, for now, we do not see any value in adding this. Obviously, if you need this you can always manually set this up if applicable.

However we will be keeping this card for future reference, if it gets more upvotes and traction we will reconsider the suggestion.

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Add nginx functionality to a docker server

3 total votes
Keith Mander Jordan Sidharth Raveendran
  • Dennis moved item to board Closed

    2 years ago
  • Sidharth Raveendran moved item to project Server Level Requests

    2 years ago
  • Sidharth Raveendran created the item

    2 years ago