

Under review

The default nginx configuration from ploi has these 3 lines:

# Ploi Webserver Configuration, do not remove!
include /etc/nginx/ploi/*;

    # Ploi Configuration, do not remove!
    include /etc/nginx/ploi/*;
# Ploi Webserver Configuration, do not remove!
include /etc/nginx/ploi/*;

All of them could be improved to be more nginx specific and avoid nginx errors on deployment with this small change, the proposal is to have this:

# Ploi Webserver Configuration, do not remove!
include /etc/nginx/ploi/*.conf;

    # Ploi Configuration, do not remove!
    include /etc/nginx/ploi/*.conf;
# Ploi Webserver Configuration, do not remove!
include /etc/nginx/ploi/*.conf;

Is is also compatible with the current editor, that does not allow to create files without the .conf extension.

So I do not see any problems with this and it should be an easy change to make.



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Related to this. But I think is more a bug than a feature request. When activating the fastcgi on ploi, it creates this file:


It add a line to the php location as well. But if it cannot find it (on my custom nginx, the php location is in one file under server/ folder), it does not add the line at all. The file is generated either case. So then it is loading that file on server/ and not under php location. Because all the directives from fastcgi cache can be loaded as http,server and location context, that does not generate any errors, but the cache is affecting everything and not only the php location, which could generate problems on any website.

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Improve nginx default server adding a .conf to the end of these lines:

3 total votes
Nathan Graffino Angel
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  • Angel moved item to project Server Level Requests

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